Monday 25 October 2021

Family fun - Archery & Rockets

 We had a lot of fun yesterday with a family we have known for a few years as their boys used to come to some of our local kids days. They are now on holiday for a week and were happy to spend time yesterday doing Archery and experimenting with the Rockets. Glenmore Lodge was the perfect venue for these activities.

Saturday 23 October 2021

Fun days with local children

 We have had a few days of activities with local children during the October holidays. Lots of fun has been had by all!

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Active kids having fun

 A great day was had on Monday with some of our local active kids. Rafted Canoeing and biking!

Sunday 5 September 2021

No Limits on the water

 We have worked with No Limits for 18 years and it was great to get them back on the water after them having missed their canoeing for the past year and half.