Sunday 4 November 2012

Inchmarlo Golf Resort

We met up with a group from 'Shared Lives' yesterday at Inchmarlo Golf Resort where they were staying in very nice villas. We spent the day having a Fun Session with everyone followed by Archery for those who wanted to whilst others went golfing or had some beauty treatment. We see Sue and her merry gang twice a year now, many of the group are regulars so can help newcomers with some of the fun tasks we set them. They have a great social weekend which we are really happy to be a small part of!

Friday 2 November 2012

Averon Leisure Centre

We met up with a group working on a project with the Social Enterprise Academy yesterday at Avernon Leisure Centre to do some Team Building and Archery. The girls were keen to get involved and were really enthusiastic despite the nip in the air. Graeme and Lindsay were up for developing their Archery skills too!