Sunday 29 July 2012

Royal Scotsman

Yesterday Ian took the Watkins family and friends for a rafted canoe trip on Loch Morlich in the morning whilst I went to Fort William to meet a group who were travelling on the Royal Scotsman and took them for a wander to Steall Falls. We had very heavy rain during the walk out which added to the atmosphere!

Friday 27 July 2012


We were Abseiling at Farrletter with a Scripture Union group on Tuesday then on Thursday we were at Loch Duntelchaig with a group of youngsters from Culloden, Charleston and Nairn for some Weaselling and Abseiling. It was dry for a change and everyone had plenty of time to enjoy the activities!

Monday 23 July 2012

Middle Findhorn

After another busy few days indoor climbing and hill walking we had a day on the Middle Findhorn with Mark Ker. We were specifically looking at leadership on unknown sections of river which this was for us and it was a good excercise! The river was low but not too bumpy, ideal for what we were doing and a bit of fun!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Loch Ossian

This is one of our favourite bike rides when we just want a bimble of a ride somewhere. From Moy Bridge to and around Loch Ossian makes for a good 45km ride.

Friday 13 July 2012

Lots of stuff

We have been working with a variety of groups over the last couple of weeks including a group from Spain, some of our 'Active Kids' and a group on a Scripture Union week. We have also been on Ben Nevis again with 3 Peakers. Weather has not been too kind but we have enjoyed lots of Indoor Climbing, Team challenges, Archery, Biking, Rafted Canoeing and some Bushcraft with Neil Foote.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Cummingston with Young Carers

Ian and James were at Cummingston yesterday with a group of Young Carers led by Stuart who we have known for many years. James started them off with a game of walking over shingle and rocks whilst balancing pebbles on the backs of their hands, easier said than done I think. Lots of climbing, belaying and abseiling was done and some were challenged more than others but all had a good day.

Another mix

So far this week we have had lots of fun with Boys Brigade and Sport Scotland. 6 lively ladies from Sport Scotland joined me for a day of Team Building, Archery and Indoor climbing, we spent most of the time giggling insanely! The BB's have also been quite entertaining in Canoe, on bike and up the wall! We will have another silly time with them tomorrow.

Monday 2 July 2012

Lots of fun

On Friday Ian was out walking with a group from Sweden whilst I had a lovely group from Sport Scotland for a Team building session. Saturday we were both on Ben Nevis with another group going for the 3 Peaks. Sunday we had a great, wet and midgy day with a group of Boys Brigade at Duntelchaig with James and Neil doing Abseiling, Weaselling, Bushcraft and Climbing.