Saturday 30 May 2020

On the hill at last!

Having finished our neighbours sheds, we went on to service a friends bike, and we have other odd jobs to do for neighbours but how brilliant that we can now get out on the hill. We have a lovely area within easy biking distance of us where we never see anyone and it is pathless! It was just so wonderful to be out on such a lovely day wandering on a plateau.  The descent takes us down into a hidden glen, where we sat for a while watching three Golden Eagles, all being incredibly aerobatic.
Looking forward to getting out paddling and climbing too!

Saturday 23 May 2020

Renovating sheds

We have been using this lockdown period to get bits of maintenance done to our house, then one of our neighbours asked us to re-felt his two sheds. When we looked at these, we realised that a bit more work was required before we could even think about the felting as one shed needed a completely new roof, the other one needed sections replacing on it's roof. There were other minor repairs to do too. We really enjoyed this project, as we have always enjoyed this kind of work anyway and the days went really quickly. We tried to re-use wood where we could so that at the end of the day the total cost of materials was under £200 (we bought the best quality felt too!). Our next project is to re-paint old black railings for a neighbour. We could get to like this!!