Friday 11 May 2012
Bit of a mix
On Tuesday I met up with Paula and Connie at Glenmore Lodge for a 3 hour session of Archery. They have an Archery club in the Falklands but wanted a bit of help to straighten out their technique. We spent the morning working on Barebow, which they quickly got sorted and then it was just a case of tweaking. On Wednesday, Ian and myself were Indoor Climbing with a super group from Alltnacriche, they were excellent at listening and getting on with what they were asked to do. In the afternoon, I introduced Paula and Connie to the Freestyle technique of Archery, which again proved to be a really successful 3 hour session. They just need to keep practising now! On Thursday we were both working at Loch Morlich Watersports and the weather was pretty awful, much more like November. Admin and sorting kit today before meeting up with No Limits tomorrow for some Rafted Canoeing