Monday, 26 August 2019

Ben Nevis and Biking

On the Ben again on Saturday, then we went off hillwalking and biking. A really good bike circuit took us over a Graham to a brilliant downhill before enjoying a track out. All on great tracks and great weather too.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Archery & Biking Glenmore

Yesterday was our last activity day for local kids this summer. They are back to school today. It was a lovely end to a brilliant summer of fun with so many different children, some of whom we have known for a few years. Starting to plan for October now!

Friday, 16 August 2019

Orienteering & Indoor Climbing

A really enthusiastic group of local children joined us for some map reading in Glenmore forest and Indoor Climbing at Glenmore Lodge.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Meall a'Bhuachaille with Active Kids

First time we have climbed this hill with young ones and it was a brilliant day. They were all so interested in their surroundings, looking at different plants, looking for Fairy homes, being fascinated by the big ant hills we were seeing. A big, dead tree with bilberries growing out the top caught their attention too. Then to be so close to a reindeer near the summit was really exciting for us all. A lovely day with lovely kids!