Monday, 19 November 2018

Archery, Orienteering and Indoor climbing

On Saturday we had a day of fun with Ellie and Adam, Gregor and Oran. Starting with Archery then some map reading as they found a route to Glenmore Lodge for an afternoon of Climbing on the Indoor Wall.
Sunday we were out for ourselves exploring by bike!

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Archery, Orienteering & Climbing with Active Kids

It was a cold, damp day yesterday but we had a group of tough youngsters for some Archery, Orienteering and Indoor climbing. They were happy to help us sort the kit from one activity before moving on to the next and really worked hard to achieve the best they could, having lots of fun along the way.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Active kids have fun

We had Richard, Jonas and Vesna with us yesterday climbing on the indoor wall then a pleasant walk through the forest to the Hayfield for some Archery and testing of our new activity ie water and air powered rockets! It was a lot of fun!!

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

No Limits and Active Kids

No Limits were with us on Sunday and even though it was a bit windy and cold with the odd heavy shower they all had a great time on the water. Monday and Tuesday we had local children enjoying archery, biking, canoeing, den building and having a great time together!

Friday, 7 September 2018

Cross reach have fun

Last Friday we were Orienteering around Glenmore forest with Cross reach then on Monday we went for a trip around Loch Morlich and up the little river by rafted canoe where some were lucky enough to spot a water vole. It is an annual event for Crossreach which we all enjoy very much.
Later we were out again with Gregor, Ellie and Adam and all got to see the water vole!

Monday, 20 August 2018

Weaselling and Abseiling at Loch Duntelchaig

Yesterday some of our 'Active Kids' and their parents joined us for some excitement and fun at Loch Duntelchaig, Weaselling and Abseiling!